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Can you get sick from being in the cold?

Question: Can you get sick from being in the cold?


Being cold itself doesn’t directly cause illness – the culprit behind winter sickness is usually viruses, not temperature. However, cold weather can create conditions that make it easier to catch these viruses.

When it’s cold outside, people tend to spend more time indoors in close contact with others, which increases the likelihood of virus transmission. Additionally, cold air can dry out the protective mucus in our nasal passages, making it easier for viruses to take hold.

Research has shown that cold temperatures can affect our immune system’s ability to fight off infections. When exposed to cold, our body diverts energy to maintaining core temperature, potentially reducing resources available for immune function.

Cold air can also constrict blood vessels in the nose and throat, which may reduce the local immune response in these areas where many respiratory viruses first enter the body.

While getting chilled won’t automatically make you sick, taking precautions during cold weather is still important for health. Dressing appropriately for the temperature, maintaining good ventilation in indoor spaces, and practicing proper hygiene can all help reduce the risk of illness during cold weather.

The body experiences additional stress when trying to stay warm in cold conditions, which can make us more susceptible to viruses that are already present in our environment.

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