Stack of credit cards on a desk. Protect yourself from the latest wave of high-tech theft with these five must-know tips to spot card skimmers and shimmers!

Card Skimming Scam: How Thieves Are Stealing YOUR MONEY Right Under Your Nose!

Protect yourself from the latest wave of high-tech theft with these five must-know tips to spot card skimmers and shimmers! 🚨 #News #Crime #Scam

Beware: Know These Surefire Ways to Spot a Credit Card Skimmer!

EDINA, MN – In the dark underbelly of digital transactions, a new breed of thieves lurk, ready to snatch your hard-earned cash. Card skimmers and shimmers—those sneaky gadgets—are more sophisticated than ever, and they’re targeting you at ATMs and checkouts.

As digital payments rise, these cunning scams evolve, making it crucial to stay one step ahead. Don’t let your next swipe be your downfall!

The Rise of Digital Payments

With digital wallets and contactless payments becoming the norm, many of us are ditching cash and physical cards. But sometimes, you can’t avoid using your card at a checkout or ATM. And that’s where skimmers and shimmers come into play, turning your innocent transaction into a scammer’s payday.

Card skimmers are the sneaky tech that’s taking your hard-earned cash right from under your nose. Here’s how to stay one step ahead and protect yourself every time you swipe or insert a card.

Credit Card Skimmer and phone in a digital like setting

What Are Skimmers and Shimmers?

Skimmers and shimmers are cunning devices that fraudsters place on or inside card readers. They capture your card information without you noticing. While EMV chip technology has made card payments safer, older systems still require swiping or inserting your card, leaving you vulnerable.

These scams are elaborate and widespread, making awareness your best defense.

Spotting a Skimmer: Your First Line of Defense

1. Compare Card Readers

When at a store or ATM, compare the card reader you’re about to use with others nearby. If it looks different, be suspicious. Skimmers often mimic the appearance of legitimate readers but might have slight variations.

2. Give It a Tug

Don’t be shy—give the card reader a firm tug. Skimmers are often placed over the actual card reader and can be dislodged with a little effort. Try lifting the keypad too; if it comes off, it’s definitely a fake.

3. Check for Residue

Look closely at the card reader’s surface. Sticky residue or scratches might indicate that a skimmer has been hastily attached. These signs suggest tampering.

4. Inspect Security Tape

Some ATMs and gas pumps use security tape to show tampering. Check if the tape looks broken or altered. If it’s not intact, don’t use that machine.

5. Shine a Light

Before inserting your card, use your phone’s flashlight to inspect the card slot. If you see anything unusual or something jammed inside, avoid using that reader.

Credit Card Skimmer at register of business

Extra Tips to Stay Safe

Stay Aware

Always be on the lookout when using an ATM or card reader. Anything that seems off—like mismatched machines or broken components—should raise a red flag. Trust your gut and use a different machine if you’re unsure.

Cover Your PIN

Even without a skimmer, tiny cameras might be installed to capture your PIN. Always cover the keypad when entering your PIN to block any prying eyes.

Go Contactless

Whenever possible, opt for contactless payments. It’s much harder for scammers to intercept your information this way, keeping your transactions safer.

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Stay One Step Ahead

By staying vigilant and following these tips, you can outsmart skimmers and shimmers. Protecting your financial information is crucial in today’s world. Keep your eyes open, and don’t let these scammers get the best of you!

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