Flight attendant looks disgusted. Buckle up, germaphobes! We've got the dirty deets on the grossest spots on an airplane. It's about to get nasty up in here!

Nasty! These Are The Dirtiest Places On A Plane That Flight Attendants Avoid At All Costs!

🦠 Buckle up, germaphobes! We’ve got the dirty deets on the grossest spots on an airplane. It’s about to get nasty up in here! 🛫 #TravelTips #AirplaneGerms #HandSanitizerToTheRescue

Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota – Uff da, writing this article is giving me the creepy-crawlies! Before you take off on your next adventure, you might want to pack some extra hand sanitizer. Flight attendants are spilling the tea on the dirtiest places on a plane, and it’s not pretty.

Safety First, Germs Second

You know those little instruction cards tucked away in your seat pocket? Well, turns out they’re not just there for emergencies – they’re also a hotbed for germs. One flight attendant says they’re the dirtiest spot on the whole plane! So, after you brush up on your safety knowledge, you might want to brush off those germs with some hand sanitizer.

Overhead Bins: A Germ’s Paradise

Next time you reach for your carry-on, you might want to think twice. Flight attendants say the overhead bins are touched by countless people and rarely get a good scrub-down. Their advice? Use a cloth or wipe to open them up, and then give your hands a quick sanitizing session.

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Tray Tables: More Than Meets the Eye

You might think your tray table is just a convenient spot to rest your snacks and drinks, but it’s actually a germ party waiting to happen. One study found that tray tables have nearly eight times more bacteria than the second-dirtiest spot on the plane – the overhead air vent button. Yuck! Be sure to give your tray a thorough wipe-down before digging in.

The Seat Cover Shuffle

Just because you can’t see the grime doesn’t mean it’s not there. Flight attendants spill that seat covers aren’t always replaced or cleaned between flights. In fact, they might only get swapped out if someone reports a particularly nasty situation. If you’re feeling squeamish, you might want to invest in a disposable or reusable seat cover.

Bathroom Secrets

While the toilets themselves might get a regular cleaning, the locks and door handles are a different story. One flight attendant recommends using hand sanitizer after stowing your luggage, touching anything in your seat pocket, and especially after using the bathroom.

And if you’re tempted to grab a drink from the plane’s water supply, you might want to think again. A recent study found that the drinking water on planes could be unsafe for humans. Yikes!


So, there you have it. The next time you’re jetting off to parts unknown, remember to pack your hand sanitizer and maybe a few extra wipes. And if all else fails, just keep your hands to yourself and hope for the best! Safe (and clean) travels!

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🗣 Which dirty place on the plane surprised you the most? We’d LOVE to hear from you in the comments section below. ⬇️

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