An icy fall sends two hikers sliding down a Nevada mountain, with one injured and rescued in a thrilling race against the clock.

ICYMI: Hikers Plunge 200 Feet Down Icy Slope on Nevada Mountain – Rescued, but Injured!

An icy fall sends two hikers sliding down a Nevada mountain, with one injured and rescued in a thrilling race against the clock. 🌐 #News #LasVegasNV #Nevada #Accidents

LAS VEGAS, NV – Three hikers were rescued from Nevada‘s Mt. Charleston on December 12 after two of them slid down an icy slope, leaving one severely injured. The incident required a complex rescue operation by authorities from Las Vegas to safely bring the hikers back down the mountain.

Hikers’ Fall on Mt. Charleston’s South Loop Trail

The hikers were making their way down the South Loop Trail near Echo Overlook when one of them slipped on the ice. The first hiker fell into the second, causing both to slide down a steep, icy slope. The first victim slid about 100 feet before hitting a tree, sustaining severe leg injuries. The second hiker continued to slide another 100 feet, eventually stopping on a ledge without suffering any major injuries.

The third hiker, who was still on the trail above, immediately called 911 to report the accident. Local authorities quickly began organizing the rescue operation.

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Search and Rescue Operation Launches

The Las Vegas Metro Police Department’s Search and Rescue team responded to the scene at around noon. The team initially attempted to deploy a helicopter from AIR1 to reach the injured hikers. However, strong winds prevented the helicopter from inserting the rescue crew. The team was then forced to organize a ground operation.

Four search and rescue officers, along with seven mountain rescue volunteers, hiked several miles to reach the location of the second victim. Just as they arrived, the weather conditions improved, allowing AIR1 to successfully hoist the first injured hiker to safety.

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Hikers and Rescue Team Safe After Operation

After the successful helicopter rescue, the remaining hikers and rescue team were able to make their way back down the mountain without further incidents.

The rescue operation was concluded without additional injuries. Local authorities commended the swift response and teamwork that led to the safe recovery of all involved.

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