Minneapolis Battle of the Jug Bands. Jack Norton plays a jug.

This is the Weirdest Event in Minnesota: The Minneapolis Battle of the Jug Bands

For over 35 years the weirdest event in Minnesota is the annual Minneapolis Battle of the Jug Bands. The 2024 event is coming up in February! πŸ€ͺ🎡

Minneapolis, Minnesota – First, what’s a jug band? Well, it’s a style of folk music where musicians try to make music on homemade instruments like jug, washboard, washtub, spoons, kazoos, broken toilet seats, saws and more. Basically, these creative musicians make noise out of any of the old junk you have in your garage or shed.

Now, here’s the kicker: for over 35 years, weirdos from around the country coverage to Minneapolis to battle it out for the title of “Best Jug Band”. Keep in mind this happens in Minnesota. In February. Not exactly the best time of year for a visit!

Minneapolis Battle of the Jug Bands. Jack Norton with Dom Flemons.
Author Jack Norton with Grammy winning musician Dom Flemons of the Carolina Chocolate Drops. Dom was one of the artists we interviewed for our movie and webseries about the Minneapolis Battle of the Jug Bands.

Why Do They Do This? πŸ€”

You may be wondering, is the Grand Prize a Record Deal or maybe even Cash? Nope. Guys, this ain’t American Idol or The Voice or America’s Got Talent. The Grand Prize all these musicians are hoping to earn…is a broken waffle iron.

Yup, you read that right. A broken waffle iron! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

So Why Should You Go?

Well, to put this kindly, the Minneapolis Jug Band Battle attracts a certain…um… “interesting” type of person. The music isn’t necessarily the appeal to attend this event. The people watching is the real joy. Don’t worry, the event is held at a local bar and the rule we here at Travel with Jack and Kitty HQ live by (when attending the Minneapolis Battle of the Jug Bands) is simple: the more you drink, the better the music will sound.

Minneapolis Battle of the Jug Bands. Jack Norton with Charlie Parr.
Local blues legend Charlie Parr with travel blogger Jack Norton. Jack and Charlie were in a band together years ago called Jack Norton and the Mullet River Boys, and Charlie is featured in our documentary film and webseries.

Know Before You Go: Minneapolis Battle of the Jug Bands

This year, the 2024 Minneapolis Battle of the Jug Bands will be held at The Cabooze (913 Cedar Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55404) on February 18, 2024. Things kick off around 12:30 PM with a band called “Dr. Kickbutt’s Orchestra of Death” starting the show. They were last year’s winners and will be this year’s judges. By the way, judges openly accept bribes of food, beer or cash. 

Music from bands with names like the Jug Monkeys, The Fat Chance Jug Band, Hoppy and the Rad Roos, The Jug Demons, The Goats, and the Feral Dogs play all day long. Around 6:30 PM the judges will announce the winner. And that’s when you can see the broken waffle iron for yourself!

Minnesota's Best: 365 Unique Adventures by Jack and Kitty Norton - Amazon Best-Seller!

Don’t Miss the Pre-Party

If that’s enough jug band music for you, the pre-party this year is happening at Palmer’s Bar (500 Cedar Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55454) from 3:00 to 7:00 PM on Saturday, February 17, 2024. This freewheelin’ event has no set schedule, no set bands, and no set plans. Literally it will be jug band chaos. Consider this your warning.

Minneapolis Battle of the Jug Bands. Jack and Kitty Norton with rappers Bone Thugs N Harmony.
Why the heck are we hanging out with Grammy winning rappers Bone Thugs-n-Harmony? Well, maybe we’re at Tha Crossroads or maybe it’s cause they are also in our movie about the Minneapolis jug band battle! You’ll just have to watch it and see! Hehe.

Can’t Make It? Still Curious?

We Made a Feature Film About the Minneapolis Jug Band Battle!

No seriously, we did. Back in 2015, we directed a movie called Jug Band Hokum. Quirky, funny and downright bizarre, this critically-anticipated documentary follows the eccentric lives of musicians competing to win a broken waffle iron in the 33rd Annual Minneapolis Battle of the Jug Bands.

The film features guest appearances by: Garrison Keillor (eww), rap legends Bone Thugs-N-Harmony (super cool), Charlie Parr and Dom Flemons (both cool) and many others. Film & Review Magazine described Jug Band Hokum as: “a real-life version of Christopher Guest’s A Mighty Wind with dashes of Harmony Korine’s Spring Breakers. A wildly fun documentary!”

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We recently re-cut the movie into a webseries. You can watch this weird docu-series for free on YouTube. And hey, while you’re at it – subscribe to our YouTube channel (it really helps us out).

Jug Band Blues by Jack and Kitty with the Big Dixie Swingers [MUSIC VIDEO]
Hey! Jack and Kitty can make jug music too! Here we are singing a song used in the soundtrack of our film.

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