A reckless joyride on Santa Monica Beach ends in tragedy as a homeless woman is fatally struck—leaving the community demanding justice.

Beach Stunt Turns Deadly: Heartless Drunk Driver Kills Homeless Woman in California

A reckless joyride on Santa Monica Beach ends in tragedy as a homeless woman is fatally struck—leaving the community demanding justice. 🌐 #News #SantaMonicaCA #California #Crime

SANTA MONICA, CA – What started as a reckless stunt ended with a devastating loss Thursday night when a 21-year-old California man allegedly ran over a homeless woman on the sands of Santa Monica Beach, leaving the community outraged.

Homeless Woman Killed in Reckless Beach Stunt

The Santa Monica Police Department reported that officers were flagged down around 11:30 p.m. near the 1400 block of the beach, where they found a vehicle stuck in the sand. Beneath the SUV was the unconscious body of a woman, trapped and unable to escape the tragic fate that had befallen her.

Despite firefighters’ urgent efforts to free the woman and administer aid, she was pronounced dead at the scene by Santa Monica Fire Department personnel. The Los Angeles County Coroner’s Office is handling the case, and authorities are working to confirm the victim’s identity. Police believe the woman was homeless, compounding the tragedy with the reality that an already vulnerable life was taken in an act of reckless disregard.

Witnesses say the young driver was behind the wheel of a 2015 Infiniti SUV, reportedly driving “in circles at high speeds on the sand” before the fatal accident occurred, according to police. The joyride quickly turned into a nightmare when the man’s erratic behavior resulted in the woman being run over and pinned under the vehicle.

Driver Arrested for DUI and Manslaughter Charges

Following a DUI investigation, officers arrested the driver. Authorities preliminarily charged him with driving under the influence, reckless driving, and gross vehicular manslaughter.

This heartless incident leaves many questioning how anyone could engage in such dangerous actions without concern for those around them. The investigation is ongoing as the community mourns the unnecessary loss of life and demands accountability.

May the victim’s soul find peace, and may her tragic loss remind us to show compassion to those living on society’s margins. We pray for healing, accountability, and comfort for all affected. “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted” (Matthew 5:4).

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