Daily Thoughts with Kitty Norton. Feel-Good Thoughts of the day.

Daily Thought: Scripture On Forgiveness

Let best-selling author and editor-in-chief Kitty Norton be your own personal “Good-Vibe Guide”, as she shares a quick, daily dose of heartwarming inspiration and feel-good stories from her studio in Winona, Minnesota.

WINONA, MN – Hey Feel-Good Fam! I’m Kitty Norton and today, I want to focus on the importance of kindness and forgiveness. Ephesians 4:32 says, “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”

It’s a powerful reminder that we are called to extend the same grace and mercy to others that God has shown to us.

Inspirational quote from Jack and Kitty's Feel-Good Stories Podcast

I recently received an email from Amanda, who shared a story about the transformative power of forgiveness.

Amanda wrote, “I had been holding onto a grudge against a family member for years, but I finally decided to let it go and extend forgiveness. It wasn’t easy, but it lifted a huge weight off my shoulders and allowed me to move forward with a heart full of compassion and understanding.”

Jack and Kitty's Feel-Good Stories now Amazon Best-Sellers.

If you have a feel-good story you want to share, email me at: kitty@jackandkitty.com. I love hearing from readers and listeners!

I’ll leave you with this: Is there someone in your life who you need to forgive or show kindness to today? Well, I encourage you to take a step towards forgiving them…if not for them, then for yourself – and watch how it gives you peace.

Thanks for listening, Feel-Good Fam. Remember, you deserve to feel good today!


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Listen to new episodes every morning at 7:00 AM CST for happy and wholesome real-life tales that will inspire and motivate you. Be sure to subscribe and leave a positive review. It really helps out Kitty!

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