Snowman Down

Snowman Down: Frosty’s Winter Woes in Winona

** Trigger Warning: Snowman Down – Frosty Attacked!! ** 
(ps – this is a joke post designed to give you a chuckle)

Snowman Down!

So a few days ago somebody here in our hometown of Winona, Minnesota made a snowman with um…well…let’s just say he was anatomically correct. The city received so many complaints they sent a crew out to destroy him. Here’s the SHOCKING before and after…

This, dear readers, is photojournalism at it’s best. 

snowman down
Frosty before the senseless attack. Notice his luxurious hair and carefree smile.
Minnesota's Best: 365 Unique Adventures by Jack and Kitty Norton - Amazon Best-Seller!
snowman down
Frosty after the City of Winona carried out their devious attack. He is now a shell of the snowman he used to be.

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