Mount Monadnock in New Hampshire. Drama unfolds on Mount Monadnock as New Hampshire hiker cheats death after a harrowing leg injury - and a miraculous rescue!

Man’s Brush with Death: Stranded on New Hampshire’s Mount Monadnock After Leg Injury!

Drama unfolds on Mount Monadnock as New Hampshire hiker cheats death after a harrowing leg injury – and a miraculous rescue! 🌐 #News #JaffreyNH #NewHampshire #Rescue

JAFFREY, NH – A hiker with an injured leg was safely rescued from New Hampshire’s Mount Monadnock on Sunday, officials said.

New Hampshire Fish and Game said the agency was notified shortly before 2:30 p.m. Sunday that a hiker near the summit of Mount Monadnock was injured and required assistance.

The hiker, identified as 34-year-old Peter Marotta of Sharon, Mass., was descending “slippery rocks” when he suffered an injury to his leg, officials said.

Monadnock State Park staff located the hiker and his companion and helped them get down to the tree line, where there was more protection from the weather. Additional park staff and a N.H. Fish and Game Officer then arrived at the scene.

Rescuers helped Marotta hike off the mountain, and he was then transported to a hospital by his companion for medical evaluation, the agency said.

Written by TMX staff, with additional reporting by Jack and Kitty Norton.

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