An alarm clock on a cherry blossom tree in a spring setting. Get ready for longer days and more sunshine! When does Daylight Saving Time start in Minnesota in 2024? Find out in our latest article.

When Does Daylight Saving Time Start in Minnesota in 2024?

Get ready for longer days and more sunshine! When does Daylight Saving Time start in Minnesota in 2024? Find out in our latest article. ☀️ #Minnesota #DaylightSavingTime

Winona, Minnesota – Get ready for more sunshine, Minnesota! Even though it’s just January, the days are getting longer, and warmer weather is on the horizon. We’re all dreaming of those sun-filled days, right?

Minnesota has already gained almost 32 minutes of daylight each day since December 21st, and it’s increasing by about 2 minutes every day. Come February, that rate will jump to 3 minutes a day, thanks to our buddy, the sun.

But the real game-changer is Daylight Saving Time. So, when’s it happening in Minnesota in 2024?

You might have heard about a plan to make Daylight Saving Time permanent, where we’d spring our clocks forward and never fall back. But that idea didn’t quite make it through the hoops of Congress, so we’re sticking to the usual routine.

Get ready to ‘spring ahead’ on Sunday, March 10, 2024, at 2:00:00 am. Yep, you’ll lose an hour of sleep, but hey, longer daylight awaits! Sunrise and sunset will be an hour later that day.

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We’ll enjoy Daylight Saving Time until Sunday, November 3, 2024, at 2:00:00 am when we turn the clocks back and return to Standard Time. It’s been a tradition for 106 years, and it’s not changing this year either.

So mark your calendars, and while you’re at read more helpful (and happy) news articles.

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